Buttercup Loop on Blue Mountain

Made this great loop around the lower reaches of Blue Mountain for a great mountain bike ride that featured 2 climbs and a good portion of single track. A big plus was that hardly anyone else was out on the trails…I might be a bit greedy on that one. [sgpx gpx=”/wp-content/uploads/gpx/Buttercup Loop.gpx”]
Hidden Treasure/MoZ Downhill

Starting at the Crazy Canyon, I made it to the top of trail 301.2, and started a bomb downhill that ended in Missoula. The ride along the MoZ, which was constructed for mountain biking, is stunning with views of the entire valley and wide switchbacks for a little fun. [sgpx gpx=”/wp-content/uploads/gpx/Hidden TreasureMOZ Downhill.gpx”]
North Fork of Howard Creek, Montana

The trail along the North Fork of Howard Creek difficult with deep ruts and patches of loose gravel. The downhill was bumpy and jerky…and fast! [sgpx gpx=”/wp-content/uploads/gpx/North Fork of Howard Creek.gpx”]
Crazy Canyon to Mount Sentinel

Sometimes I can over-estimate my energy/abilities, so riding from the Crazy Canyon parking lot to the top of Mount Sentinel seemed like a great idea. The trail on the way up is a steady incline, until the last 1/2 mile to the top where it gets ridiculously steep and with loose rock. Once on top, […]
Mill Creek Downhill

Discovered this single track downhill while hiking in the Mill Creek area. Thought it would be fun, and I was not disappointed. A little too steep and a little too fast in places, but hell, it was worth it. Shot with GoPro Hero 4 at 1080 and 60 fps. Apple ProRes 422 HQ is the […]
McClain Creek Downhill

It took 48 minutes to gain the 1000 vertical feet and 3 miles distance, and just over 12 minutes to bomb all the way down.