Out of wildfire comes a delicacy, the famed morel. Notice, I called it a morel, not a morel mushroom. Morels are fungi, but not a mushroom, technically. Anywho, the short hike up Big Spruce Creek goes through a burn that left the charred earth ideal for the growth of morels.
[map style=”width: auto; height:400px; margin:20px 0px 20px 0px; border: 1px solid black;” maptype=”TERRAIN” z=”15″ gpx=”http://radleyice.com/wp-content/uploads/BigSpruceCreek.gpx”]

We joined the Lulack clan for the picking, and I quickly learned that Cree was much better than me at finding the fungi. I was the definite rookie. Picking in the burn left everyone smeared with various patches of soot and sacks full of morels.

The best part of all this effort is the cooking and eating. Karrie came up with a small batch recipe that used butter, heavy cream, chives, pepper, and a splash of chardonnay.