Weir Hot Springs is the secret that is, well, not much of a secret with the locals folks and, increasingly, travelers. Located along Highway 12 in Idaho roughly 20 miles west of Lowell (known for the terrific Lochsa Lodge), the hot springs are roughly a mile hike along Weir Creek to several pools, although the main pool stands out with its clifftop views of the forest and creek. I find the hot springs as the ultimate way to relax and catch a moment or two of sanity. There is a recent built small pool that sits about 10 yards above the main pool, and it is hotter and more private…plus it only fits 3 bodies (2, if you are my size).
As with all hot springs, expect to see naked bodies that you may not want to see, but such is the price. I never know where to look, so I end staring off into the forest, which, in hindsight, might be the best view of all. I appreciate the free-spirit of some folks, but man just a little discretion.