A beautiful day demanded a hike, but most of the area hikes are gumbo-like mixture of slush, mud, and ice. So what to do? Take the short hike into Jerry Johnson Hot Springs in Idaho near the Lochsa River. The hike is a little less than a mile and half, and it is incredibly easy.
The trail was well-tracked, even through the snow
The sun was radiant through the cedars
Vida enjoying the view
Warm Springs Creek – well-named
The water was incredible
The view from the middle pool
Vida found a little nook
Into the sunshine
Good time for a little snooze
The views kept getting better
Cold Smoke in hot water…perfection
The Waterfall Pool
Intense sun over the Lochsa River
Example of micro-habitat created by the hot springsBridge over the Lochsa River
Had to pose for a pic
The snow at Lolo Pass is ridiculously deep