[map style=”width: auto; height:400px; margin:20px 0px 20px 0px; border: 1px solid black;” maptype=”TERRAIN” z=”15″ gpx=”http://radleyice.com/wp-content/uploads/Lolo Trail at Howard Creek.gpx”]

I had past by this trailhead a hundred times, and for no good reason. This morning I was feeling historical, and hiking this trail as it sidehills above Lolo Creek brings to mind the Corps of Discovery, the Nez Perce, and LouLou Rence. Now, they probably didn’t use this trail, but it is fulfilling to pretend they did travel along this route. The trail itself moderately climbs along a dry slope above Lolo Creek. The wildflowers were low in diversity, but the beauty of the few made up for that apparent lack.



The wildflowers were few on the dry hillsides but the few were fascinating.

Meadow Buttercup
Meadow Buttercup
Clarkia pulchella
Clarkia pulchella
Three-spot Mariposa-lily
Three-spot Mariposa-lily
Lance-leaved Stonecrop
Lance-leaved Stonecrop


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