The intense sun is warming the landscape and the snow is receding up the mountainsides. It is that odd time of year when you can’t really hike up too far, but you really want outside in that sunshine. The solution take a relaxing drive over to the Lochsa and hike to Weir Hot Springs. The easy hike is really short (about 1/2 mile), and the water at Weir is perfect – the Goldilocks of hot springs. When we arrived, there was another couple in the pool, and a second pair followed us. But, soon we had the place to ourselves – perfection!

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After soaking, we made our way to the Lochsa Lodge for a beer and the Lochsa Monster Burger, a massive hunk of beef topped with ham, fried pickles, and gobs of cheese.

The best part of the day, bbq’ing up a couple of grass-fed ribeyes and watching a little Austin Powers – Yeah, Baby!